Monday, April 12, 2010

turn and face the strain.

There have been some unexpected ch-ch-changes happening lately. My roommate Kristen has made the decision to move to New York City. Around the same time, our other girl friend, Erica, announced that she was offered a new job and will also be making the move to NY. These events threw me into a whirlwind of emotions for about a week. I had to be supportive and helpful, all the while my heart was breaking at the thought of losing them and having to move all over again.

Kristen and I have lived together for three years. (And I lived with my sister for the three before that.) We had been planning to renew our lease at the end of May, but now instead I will be on the search for that perfect one bedroom apartment that will make me feel like the grown-up I always wanted to/thought I would be by now. It's going to be a big adjustment. And it's hard to find a nice one bedroom in the city... that I can afford... that isn't in a high-rise or complex... in the neighborhood I want... that has everything I'm looking for. Okay, so maybe I'm being picky. But I've lived in some really nice places with huge potential, and I was never able to get them past cluttered-living stage. This is my moment. I'm going for something along the lines of this:

image from pottery barn april 2010 catalog

I think I might be in the wrong part of the country...

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