I love The Container Store. I wish my whole life was as organized as that store makes you believe that it can be.
Last weekend, while on a day long shopping adventure with my sister, we ended up in the checkout line at The Container Store. They have the best impulse shopping items in their check out line. Including giant pill-shaped pill boxes, a-la Dr. Mario. (Holy moly, you can play Dr. Mario online! This is the greatest moment of my life.) But I digress...
We were perusing the reusable shopping bags, knowing full well that reusable shopping bags can be kind of a waste because they're bulky and you don't always have them with you. And only end up using them on maybe 25% of your shopping trips.
But then we found these:
flip & tumble 24/7 bag
They sell them at The Container Store, but they have such a cute website. And also have a wider selection of colors, patterns and products that you can buy online. The 24/7 bags are made out of a super-light, super soft material and roll up into little stretchy Popple-like pods. The pods are attached and act as an inside mini-pocket when the bag is revealed.
I got the green one - big surprise. Stef got green and brown. The pod is so small I keep it in my purse all the time. And I actually use it.
Moral of the story: buy these bags.
They're the greatest. You won't be disappointed.
Second moral of the story: play Dr. Mario.
It is also the greatest.
Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place, where the caravan camels roam. Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face. It's barbaric, but hey, it's home!
I've just gotten the official word that Todd will being going on for the final seven performances of The Arabian Nights at Lookingglass Theatre this weekend! He's been understudying several roles for the show since it previewed back in May. Now all of his hard work and beard-growing is paying off, and I am so proud.
And now for some photographic evidence:
Look at this baby-faced boy back in April at Wrigley. I think he had gotten his hair cut earlier that day, which would be the last hair cut he has had to date. This was around the time he was cast, so it could also very well be the last time he shaved.
And here we see Todd about a month ago, mid-July, at Six Flags with me and Paul. Beard had been growing for about 3 months and had evened out considerably. (Believe it. He is not so blessed in the facial-hair-growing area.) It has filled out a little more since then, and doesn't look half bad. ¡QuĂ© preciosa!
Come on down. Stop on by. Hop a carpet and fly to another Arabian Night!
I recently rediscovered my old livejournal account. I hadn't updated it, let alone looked at it, in one year - almost to the day. I guess I stopped being any good at it. My entries were hardly interesting and really just a way for me to document my own life. Which, thinking about it now, is really all I'm looking for in a blog. Just a place to gather my thoughts and keep them for posterity.
I'd really like to be great at blogging - know all of the cool gadgets, link all of my sites, post photos in cool ways... There are so many interesting people with cute, well put together blogs that I get very intimidated. But then again there are also some very un-interesting people that just happen to have excellent blog-keeping skills, which is almost equally as intimidating. I can think "I have so much more to say than this guy, but my blog is still going to look so much more boring than his."
I guess I'm falling behind in my generation as far as Web2.0 is concerned. (Don't be impressed that I know that term either - I hardly know what it means. But blogger is making me look smarter already by supplying this simple hyperlink button.) I just don't know how to be web-cool. HTML? Forget it. All I can manage is facebook. Which is getting lamer by the day, but has become almost as necessary as email in some ways. I don't have a twitter account, and can hardly understand "tweets" with all of the @ signs and secret codes. I don't even have internet capabilities on my phone.
I think I'm going to give it another go though. Perhaps now is the time to retire the old "lj" and fully inhabit my Google account with my sweet new Blogger blog. Maybe I'll even rediscover my Flikr account. But lets crawl before we walk.
name:stacey erin
interests:photography - planning events and vacations - decorating hypothetical homes and apartments - my cats (Batman and Lester) - shopping - arts and crafts - giving presents - thrift/second hand/vintage stores - old records - making myself sound cool on the internet
favorite color:green
what is comeback special?It's a place for me to share what I'm doing - whether that be traveling, spending time with family and friends, tackling a new project, jumping a new hurdle... it could be anything. comeback special is about making the transition into 21st century adulthood with 20th century know-how.
what does comeback special mean?Is it an "emo" band name? A football play? Find out here.