Tuesday, May 7, 2013

soon-to-be mrs.

In four days, I will be getting married to this little guy:

Chicago, Summer 2008
That is the first know photo of the two of us together after we started dating. Todd was 21 (finally) and I was 24. Ah, the good ol' days. We started dating on May 15, 2008 - we were engaged on May 13, 2012 - and we will be married on May 11, 2013. Almost five years exactly. It's amazing how much people change in five years. Who are those tiny people sitting on that couch?

Seattle, Spring 2009
We have had a lot of adventures together, and I can't wait to see what else is in store for us. The first trip we ever took together was by train, from Chicago to Seattle. No internet access or phone service for two days. It was incredible, and stil one of my favorite trips we have ever taken.

Puerto Rico, Summer 2010
Todd will try anything. He is so brave. He works hard and dedicates himself to everything he does, even if he has no idea what he is doing. He figures it out, and then excels at it. He helps me realize that I can do more than I give myself credit for. If he can face his fear of sea monsters and get his scuba certification (on our honeymoon!), then I can probably find the courage to do the things that scare me, too.

Glacier National Park, Summer 2011
One of the greatest things about Todd is how well he gets along with everyone. That, and his cute behind. But more so, because of how effortlessly he takes to people. He makes everyone feel at ease. And he lets me be silly and ridiculous and sad and mad and out-of-control-excited and whatever else I feel like being whenever I feel like being it. You might not be able to tell by how calm-cool-and-collected I look in all of these pictures, but I may have been voted "Biggest Mood Swings" my senior year of high school. (Thanks, Justin.)

Chicago, Fall 2012

In short, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I have found my match. Or is it "met my match"? Either way, it's true. We have so much more life to experience together. It won't always be easy. "But at least it will be always."

Soon-to-Be Mrs. Garcia