Monday, December 6, 2010

bluster busters.

I have a super-top-secret-insider-scoop for you. This season marks my seventh winter here in the Windiest of Cities. That makes me seven times smarter about cold weather than I was when I moved here from Columbus (via Pittsburgh). Over the past seven winters (which usually last from Nov/Dec all the way through Mar/Apr), I have tried out many different underlayers, overlayers, inderlayers, everylayers, in order to beat the heat frigid cold that bites as soon as you step outside. Last year, a miracle happened. I found the magic combo. You better believe it.

Patagonia Capilene Bottoms (Level 2 - Lightweight) and Smartwool Socks (Crew height or higher). The Level 2 bottoms are thin enough to wear everyday, even under my skinny jeans, but that Capilene hocus pocus keeps you warm all day without making you sweat like a maniac when you go indoors. (FYI - They make tops too, which I will often don for snow-play and exceptionally wintery days.) And oh, Smartwool, how I love thee. I have both the Margaritas (left - wearing them now, btw) and the Popcorn Cables (right). I love that they give me options for weight/cushioning depending on my choice of footwear.

So there you go. The solution for all your cold-weather woes. If you're still confused, here are some simple instructions:
Layer 1: underpants.*
Layer 2: Patagonia Capilenes.
Layer 3: Smartwools. (Note: Layer 2 should be tucked in to Layer 3. This is of vital importance.)

And now you know what I'm wearing under every single outfit from November through March. Over-share? Nah. Best winter advice ever? Yup.

*Underpants can be of your own individual choosing. I go for boy-shorts usually. Now there's your over-share.

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